Research on Tirzepatide Reducing Sleep Apnea

Research on Tirzepatide Reducing Sleep Apnea

Table of Contents

I. Why Do We Need New Sleep Apnea Treatments?

II. How Tirzepatide Works

III. Tirzepatide’s Impact on Sleep Apnea

IV. How Weight Loss Translates to Better Sleep

V. What Does This Mean for Sleep Apnea Sufferers?

VI. Conclusion

A groundbreaking new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine has uncovered an exciting new sleep apnea treatment that could replace cumbersome CPAP machines.

Researchers found that tirzepatide, a drug originally developed for type 2 diabetes and obesity, significantly reduced the severity of sleep apnea in study participants. For many sleep apnea sufferers who have trouble adjusting to CPAP therapy, this injection could dramatically improve quality of life and reduce dangerous side effects associated with untreated sleep apnea.

In this article, we’ll discuss the findings of this study and uncover how weight loss plays a crucial role in obstructive sleep apnea treatment.

What Is Sleep Apnea, and Why Do We Need New Sleep Apnea Treatments?

a frustrated man holding a CPAP mask

When you drift off, your body enters a completely relaxed state, including the muscles that help you breathe. In people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), these relaxed muscles combine with a narrowed airway, causing breathing to pause for over 10 seconds at least 5 times per hour throughout the night. 1

OSA can strike anyone at any age, but it's most prevalent in middle-aged and older adults, with men being more susceptible than women. Shockingly, up to 90% of people with OSA are unaware they have it. Many cases go undiagnosed because symptoms like loud snoring, choking episodes during sleep, and daytime fatigue are often overlooked. 1

Left untreated, OSA can have serious health consequences, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Unstable oxygen levels
  • Impaired glucose and insulin response
  • Mental fog
  • Mood changes
  • Increased risk of heart failure, stroke, or irregular heartbeat 1

While continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is a common and effective obstructive sleep apnea treatment, many patients struggle to stick with it due to bulky machines and uncomfortable masks. In fact, studies show that about half of people prescribed CPAP therapy abandon the treatment. 2 This low adherence rate creates a growing need for a new sleep apnea treatment that is both effective and easier to maintain.

How Tirzepatide Works

Tirzepatide combines two different classes of hormones that help regulate blood sugar after meals: glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). This provides enhanced effects on blood glucose control and weight loss compared to single hormone treatments. 3

Let's break down how it works. GLP-1 and GIP are incretin hormones released by your gut in response to food. They serve as helpful signals to keep blood sugar in check. Tirzepatide is designed to mimic these natural effects:

  • It stimulates the pancreas to release more insulin when blood sugar is high, allowing cells to absorb excess glucose from the bloodstream.
  • It reduces glucose production by the liver between meals, preventing dangerous blood sugar spikes when fasting.
  • It promotes feelings of fullness and slows stomach emptying, supporting portion control and weight management. 3

It is this combination of effects that led to tirzepatide being approved for weight management in people with obesity.

Now, why is a diabetes and weight loss drug being evaluated as a new sleep apnea treatment? The connection lies in the fact that obesity is one of the major risk factors for sleep apnea. Excess fat, especially around the neck and throat, can narrow the airway during sleep. This makes it more likely to collapse and cause the characteristic breathing interruptions of sleep apnea. 1 By helping people lose substantial amounts of weight, tirzepatide can be an invaluable tool in obstructive sleep apnea treatment.

The Research: A Closer Look at Tirzepatide’s Impact on Sleep Apnea

preparing tirzepatide injection

In 2024, two major clinical trials published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) revealed tirzepatide as a promising new sleep apnea treatment for adults with OSA and obesity.

  • The first study focused on individuals with moderate-to-severe OSA and obesity who were unable or unwilling to use positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, the traditional treatment for sleep apnea.
  • The second study involved participants who planned to continue using PAP therapy throughout the trial. 4

In both studies, participants were randomly assigned to receive either tirzepatide or a placebo once weekly for 52 weeks. 4

The studies’ primary goal was to measure changes in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), which is a key metric for sleep apnea severity. AHI tracks how many times per hour a person experiences either a complete blockage (apnea) or a partial blockage (hypopnea) of the airway during sleep. The higher the AHI score, the more severe the sleep apnea. 4

The results were remarkable. In both trials, tirzepatide slashed AHI by nearly two-thirds compared to placebo. Not only did participants on tirzepatide lose significant amounts of weight, but they also experienced improvements in the severity of their sleep apnea. This groundbreaking finding suggests that tirzepatide has the potential to become a new sleep apnea treatment, regardless of whether PAP therapy is used. 4

Looking beyond AHI, the studies also analyzed secondary outcomes like weight reduction, blood pressure, and sleep quality. Across all measures, the tirzepatide group outperformed the placebo group. 4

How Weight Loss Translates to Better Sleep

The connection between weight loss and sleep apnea improvement is well-established. Excess weight contributes to sleep apnea in two ways: 

  • Pharyngeal fat refers to fat deposits around a person's neck. This fat can physically block the airway during sleep when muscles relax. The narrowed airway causes loud snoring, a classic sleep apnea symptom.
  • Abdominal fat can also worsen sleep apnea. Increased fat around the abdomen compresses the chest wall, reducing lung volume and airflow. This makes the upper airway more prone to collapsing during sleep. 5

Studies consistently show strong links between obesity and sleep apnea. Around 60 to 90% of adults with sleep apnea are overweight. Gaining just 10% of body weight is associated with a sixfold increase in sleep apnea risk. 5

The good news is that weight loss can significantly improve sleep apnea. Losing 10 to 15% of body weight reduces sleep apnea severity by 50% on average. 5 Tirzepatide helps patients shed even more pounds. The impressive weight loss explains why tirzepatide shows such promise as a new sleep apnea treatment.

What Does This Mean for Sleep Apnea Sufferers?

For people suffering from OSA, the idea of medication as a new sleep apnea treatment is an exciting prospect. While CPAP is effective, it can be burdensome and inconvenient for most people. Moreover, an obstructive sleep apnea treatment that addresses the root cause of the condition – excess weight – can revolutionize the way we approach sleep apnea management.

In the NEJM study, participants on tirzepatide not only saw reductions in their AHI but also reported improvements in their overall quality of life. 4 Losing weight, sleeping better, and waking up more refreshed can have a transformative effect on both physical and mental health. This study suggests that tirzepatide could be a viable obstructive sleep apnea treatment for patients who struggle with CPAP adherence or who are looking for a more comprehensive approach to managing both obesity and sleep apnea.

It's important to note, however, that tirzepatide is not yet approved for sleep apnea management. The manufacturer, Eli Lilly, plans to submit the necessary applications to the FDA and other global regulatory bodies soon. Once approved, tirzepatide can become an exciting new sleep apnea treatment. 6


The connection between weight loss and improved sleep apnea symptoms has long been known, but tirzepatide offers a new and powerful way to achieve both. The results of the NEJM study suggest that tirzepatide could be a game-changing new sleep apnea treatment, providing a more convenient and effective alternative for people struggling with CPAP therapy and obesity.

While it’s not a cure, the potential of tirzepatide as a new sleep apnea treatment is an exciting development in the evolving world of sleep medicine. With further research and long-term studies, tirzepatide could become an essential tool in obstructive sleep apnea treatment. Explore our blog here at ScriptsMD to learn more about the many benefits of tirzepatide.


  1. Johns Hopkins Medicine Obstructive sleep apnea
  2. Kim, J. Interventions for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in adults: A Health Technology Assessment
  3. FDA Zepbound
  4. Malhotra, A., Grunstein, R. R., Fietze, I., Weaver, T. E., Redline, S., Azarbarzin, A., Sands, S. A., Schwab, R. J., Dunn, J. P., Chakladar, S., Bunck, M. C., & Bednarik, J. Tirzepatide for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and Obesity
  5. Sleep Foundation How weight affects sleep apnea
  6. Eli Lilly and Company Tirzepatide reduced sleep apnea severity by up to nearly two-thirds in adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Obesity